Amphimorpho (Main Article)

Proteus amphimorpho is the name given to the creatures initially engineered as part of Project Delta's unique approach to studying cellular regeneration, combining Earthen genetics with an alien genome to create something new. They are a chimeric "species" with long, loosely dragon-like bodies and possess human-like intelligence and the ability to shapeshift.

"Amphimorpho were not meant to grow into the complexity that they have; their creation and subsequent growth, however, can’t be written off as a mistake either. The development from engineered test subject to a thriving population of new, unique species is a marvel of science and nature, completely unprecedented. It might be too sentimental of a statement to call it a beautiful thing, but it’s been written there now." - Scout Miranda, The Amphimorpho Project notes

(Page last updated on: 03/02/2024)